Light+Building 2022: It\’s a race to catch up


Topics and trends at Light + Building were above all sustainable technologies, as more than a third of final energy consumption and about 30 percent of CO2 emissions in Germany can be attributed to buildings. But the question is: How can the conversion to sustainable technologies be realized, with a dramatic shortage of skilled workers? There is a shortage of over 80,000 employees and demographics do the rest. Companies are in strong competition for the best employees, especially in the technical but also in the commercial area.
\”40% of Europe\’s energy is consumed in buildings\”
The current energy crisis makes it very clear once again: energy consumption in buildings must be significantly reduced. Digitalization, electrification and automation help to save energy in buildings. Many intelligent and networked solutions could be seen here at the Light+Building fair in Frankfurt. A significant reduction in energy usage is the goal. Especially with room heating, hot water, lighting and cooling, there is enormous potential for savings. Manufacturers, consumers, politicians and businesses are now in agreement on this. There is a huge demand, and many homeowners are willing to invest money. Further growth would therefore be possible. Photovoltaic systems or heat pumps could now be installed everywhere. Unfortunately, especially with heat pumps, delivery times of up to one year can occur for certain models. The bigger problem is the shortage of skilled workers: Despite increasing numbers of employees in the electrical trade from 416,000 in 2016 to currently 520,000 employees, Alexander Neuhäuser, Deputy Managing Director of the “Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnische Handwerke” (ZVEH), says:
\”We have a skills gap of about 81,000 employees\”
Neuhäuser complains that too little has happened politically in recent years and that there is now a real race to catch up. In order to close the gap, the ZVEH is already recruiting skilled workers from abroad. Due to demographic change, however, there will still be a shortage of skilled workers in the future. Companies now have the task of facing up to the competition for sought-after employees and presenting themselves as attractive employers. It will be exciting to see who has the best chances in the \”War for talents\”.
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